Kita memperkenalkan teknologi perforasi logam yang unggul, yang dapat menghilangkan partikel solid, menyebar cahaya, udara, dan suara. Selain itu, material kami juga memiliki rasio kekuatan berat yang tinggi.
Sebagai supplier logam perforasi, Direct Metals adalah tempat terbaik untuk membeli logam perforasi. Kita menawarkan berbagai pilihan bentuk lubang, ukuran, gauge, dan jenis bahan. Hal ini membuat logam perforasi ideal untuk banyak aplikasi, mulai dari screen logam hingga signage logam. Aplikasi logam perforasi yang paling umum meliputi:
Screen logam
Diffuser logam
Guard logam
Filter logam
Vent logam
Signage logam
Aplikasi arsitektur
Barrier keamanan
Spesifikasi Sheet
Katalog Produk Lengkap Bagian Perforated Metal
Katalog Logam Perforasi
Sheet Hole Round
Sheet hole round perforated metal adalah gaya yang paling populer dari logam perforasi. Sheet hole round perforated memiliki variasi luas, dengan pilihan diameter, gauge, material dan ukuran sheet terluas. Kita menyimpan berbagai jenis bahan perforated: steel perforated, aluminum perforated, stainless steel perforated, galvanized steel perforated, dan PVC plastic perforated.
Sheet Hole Square
Sheet hole square perforated metal adalah opsi yang ideal ketika area terbuka yang lebih besar diperlukan dalam proyek. Sheet hole square perforated sangat versatile dan ringan. Kita menawarkan pilihan berbagai pola lubang, ukuran, gauge, dan material.
Slot Hole Perforated
Slot hole perforated metal dapat memberikan ventilasi yang lebih baik dan jalur bahan daripada perforasi lubang round. Sebagai supplier logam perforasi, Direct Metals menawarkan banyak pilihan ukuran slot, layout pola, jenis bahan, dan tebal.
Perforated Metal Dekoratif
Perforated metal dekorative adalah opsi yang ideal untuk banyak aplikasi arsitektur logam yang memerlukan penampilan estetis. Direct Metals menawarkan pilihan desain dengan berbagai bentuk lubang, gauge, dan material, seperti steel perforated, aluminum perforated, stainless steel perforated, dan galvanized steel perforated. Banyak desain unik dapat dicapai dengan perforated metal dekorative.
Architectural Perforated
Perforated metal arsitektur adalah sangat versatile dan ringan. It comes in round, square, slotted and decorative perforations. Some architectural perforated metal applications include sunscreens, ceiling panels, and exterior cladding.
Hole Hexagonal Perforated
Hexagonal perforated metal features the highest open area of all perforated metal types. It is primarily used for high airflow and architectural metal applications. We carry hexagonal perforated sheet metal in a variety of gauges, hole sizes, patterns, and materials.
Plastic Perforated
Perforated plastic sheets come in both PVC and polypropylene materials. Polypropylene is the more flexible plastic perforated sheet. Polypropylene offers good chemical resistance to organic solvents with degreasing agents. PVC plastic perforated sheets offer better impact and abrasive resistances.
U-Edging untuk Logam Perforasi
Direct Metals adalah supplier logam perforasi yang juga menawarkan U-Edging, a perforated metal accessory that is a u-shaped strip that attaches to the edge of a perforated metal sheet to make the edges more attractive and safer.
FAQ Sheet Perforated
Q: Can perforated sheet be plastic coated?
A: We don’t plastic coat perforated sheet, however we can perforate a plastic sheet.
Q: Why is perforated sheet protected with a thin layer of oil?
A: Lubricating oil is used to reduce the friction during the perforating process.
Q: Can perforated sheet be formed after perforating?
A: We can shear and form perforated sheet to any specification needed.
Q: What opening types are most common in perforated sheet?
A: Round, rectangular, and slotted perforated sheet are very popular options. See our decorative perforated sheet for more unique styles.
Q: Which perforated sheet materials are rust resistant?
A: Perforated aluminum, stainless steel, and galvanized perforated steel are the most rust resistant materials that we perforate.
Q: Why is perforated sheet commonly used?
A: Perforated sheet is used for a variety of applications because of the hole size options, percentage of open area, high strength-to-weight ratio, and aesthetic appeal.
Q: How do I choose the right perforated metal material for my project?
A: Consider factors such as durability, rust resistance, and the desired level of ventilation or light transmission when selecting a perforated metal material.
When it comes to choosing the right perforated metal material for your project, there are several factors to consider. Durability, rust resistance, and the desired level of ventilation or light transmission are just a few things to think about. By considering these factors, you can select the perfect perforated metal material for your needs.