Beechcraft Bonanza G-36 adalah salah satu model pesawat yang dikenal dengan kualitas tinggi dan kemampuan terbang yang lama. Pesawat ini dibuat oleh Beechcraft, anak perusahaan Textron Aviation, yang juga memproduksi keluarga pesawat lain seperti King Air, Denali, dan Baron.
Dalam hal ini, Bonanza G36 menarik perhatian karena memiliki bahan bangunan utama yang terdiri dari alumunium berkualitas tinggi. Penggunaan baja sangat terbatas dan tergantung pada kebutuhan. Hal ini membuat Bonanza tahan banting dan dapat terbang dengan kemampuan yang tinggi.
Body of the plane, especially the cabin area, is designed to be very comfortable, providing optimal space for its passengers. The internal cabin width of this plane is 1.07 meters and height is 1.27 meters. The G-36 Bonanza T-2503 comes with 6 seats, including 2 special pilot seats and co-pilot seat, as well as 4 seats for passengers.
The range of the Bonanza is 1,713 km, with a maximum altitude of 5,639 meters. The plane has a maximum speed of 322 km/h and can stay in the air for thousands of hours.
In addition to its impressive specifications, the Bonanza G36 also has a very comfortable cabin area. The seat width and height are designed to provide optimal space for its passengers, making it an ideal choice for long flights or even air ambulance missions.
The Bonanza G36 is not only used for civil purposes but also by military organizations such as the Dutch Navy, Iranian Air Force, Mexican Air Force, Nicaraguan Air Force, Portuguese Air Force, and Indonesian Navy as a training aircraft since 2013.
In terms of its design, the Bonanza G36 has a length of 8.38 meters and wing span of 10.21 meters, making it a very stable and maneuverable plane. The plane is equipped with an IO-550-B engine from Continental Aerospace Technologies and Garmin G 1000 avionics system., the Bonanza G36 is a highly capable and versatile aircraft that has earned its reputation as one of the best in its class.