Running Man, a popular South Korean variety show, has been entertaining audiences since its debut in 2010. Created by PD Crackle, the show is known for its unique and exciting game formats, which have become a staple of Korean pop culture.
Initially, the show's concept was simple: celebrity guests and hosts were locked down at famous landmarks in Korea, tasked with completing challenges to escape before their business ventures began. Losers would be punished with embarrassing penalties in public areas. However, this format was abandoned in May 2011, replaced by a new system where winners receive rewards and are given advantageous hints or powers for the final mission.
The show's most iconic segment is the intense and thrilling "tear-off-name-label" battle, which has become synonymous with Running Man. The game has undergone several changes over the years, but its essence remains the same: to create an exciting and unpredictable experience for both contestants and viewers.
The show's fixed hosts include Liu In-sik (known from "Sixth Sense" and "What Should I Do?"), Pool Si-chen, Kim Jung-kook, Ha-ha, Song Ji-hyo (from "Old Lady's Weekend" and other shows), Lee Gwang-soo (who left the show on June 13, 2021), and whole Cho-ming (from "Sixth Sense" and "Top Star, Don't Shine Here"). The show has become a cultural phenomenon in Korea, with millions of viewers tuning in each episode.
In recent years, Running Man has expanded its reach beyond Korea, gaining popularity in other Asian countries and around the world. Its international appeal is evident in the numerous fan-made translations and subtitles available online.
In 2022, Running Man celebrated its 12th anniversary, with over 700 episodes aired to date. The show's success can be attributed to its unique blend of humor, excitement, and social commentary, making it a beloved part of Korean pop culture.
Whether you're a fan of variety shows or just looking for something new to watch, Running Man is definitely worth checking out!