When it comes to legendary Indonesian comedy group Warkop DKI, mentioning their names is like bringing back memories of a bygone era. The trio, consisting of Dono, Kasino, and Indro, has left an indelible mark on the nation's entertainment landscape.
Their unique brand of humor, characterized by witty one-liners and clever wordplay, has stood the test of time. Even though two members, Wahyu Sardono (Kasino) and Kasino Hadiwibowo (Dono), have passed away, their legacy lives on through the countless films and TV shows they starred in.
In this article, we'll take a trip down memory lane by revisiting 15 of the most iconic quotes from Warkop DKI's filmography. From Dono's misadventures to Kasino's clever comebacks, these quotes have become an integral part of Indonesian pop culture.
The Quotes:
- "Marah-marahnya Kasino saat Dono disuruh beli tiket kereta belinya malah tiket bioskop." (Kasino gets angry when Dono is told to buy a train ticket, but ends up buying a movie ticket instead.)
- Reaksi Kasino saat menyaksikan tingkah Dono di kampus. (Kasino's reaction when he sees Dono's antics on campus.)
- "Emangnya pocongan, Ndro, tinggal di kuburan." (Dono is like a ghost, only found in the cemetery.)
- Saat Dono gagal paham nyanyian kodenya Kasino. (When Dono fails to understand Kasino's coded singing.)
- "Nanu menyindir muka Dono yang dikata mirip Bemo." (Kasino makes fun of Dono's face, saying it resembles a Bemo bus.)
- Lagu Sukiyaki yang diubah liriknya jadi lagu legend ini. (A legendary song with lyrics rewritten from Sukiyaki.)
- Salah satu sindiran menohok ala Warkop DKI. (One of the group's most stinging insults.)
- "Mau bilang ada tikus di bawah meja aja ribet amat sih, Kas?" (Who says there are mice under the table? Isn't that too much, Kas?)
- Ucapan ikonik seorang Kasino Hadiwibowo. (Kasino's iconic phrase.)
- Jadi mikir nih kalau diajak kerja "sosial". (I'm thinking now about being invited to do some social work.)
- Dono dalam film-film Warkop memang selalu jadi objek bully yang bikin ngakak. (Dono is always the victim of bullying in Warkop films, making us laugh.)
- Adegan ketika Sanwani (Kasino) dan Slamet (Dono) siuman dari obat bius. (The scene when Kasino and Dono become unconscious after taking anesthesia medication.)
- Nama Priyayi Dono dalam beberapa film Warkop DKI. (Dono's character name in some Warkop films.)
- Adegan saat Dono dan Indro meledakkan dinamit tapi malah kena mereka sendiri. (The scene when Dono and Indro explode a bomb, but end up getting hit themselves.)
- Dijamin, nggak ada yang nggak tahu quotes paling legendaris ini! (I'm sure no one doesn't know this most legendary quote!)
These 15 quotes have become an integral part of Indonesian pop culture and continue to bring joy to audiences of all ages. So, the next time you're feeling down or need a pick-me-up, just recall these iconic lines from Warkop DKI and let their legendary humor lift your spirits!