The Diamond Casino Heist is a thrilling mission in GTA Online that offers varying payouts based on the vault's contents. Diamonds are the rarest and most profitable type of loot, but getting them requires strategic planning and the right hacker. In this article, we'll break down everything you need to know about the Diamond Casino Heist payout, including crew and Lester's cuts, maximizing your time in the vault, and more.
Crew and Lester's Cuts
When calculating your final payout, you need to consider your crew members' and Lester's cuts. Lester will take 5% of the total amount, while your crew members (hacker, driver, etc.) will take varying percentages depending on who you've chosen. After that, it's time for you and your heist-mates to split the percentages amongst yourselves.
Looting Diamonds
The ability to loot diamonds was initially locked, but Rockstar unlocked it during the week of February 18, 2020 (Valentine's Day). Now, we know that Rockstar has the ability to turn diamond loot on and off for certain events or promotions. Looting diamonds lets you take the maximum possible payout from the Diamond Casino Heist, which is $3.619 million.
Maximizing Your Time in the Vault
To maximize your time inside the vault, choose the best hackers available: Paige Harris and Avi Schwartzman. Paige gives you 3 minutes and 15 seconds, while Avi gives you 3 minutes and 30 seconds (15 seconds extra can make a difference!). Consider the animation time while looting and leave the vault before the timer runs out if you want to exit undetected.
Daily Cash Grab Secret Vault
During the heist, you can also grab some extra cash from the secret vault on the ground floor next to the elevator. The switch to open up the secret vault door is in the CCTV room. You can expect between $50,000 to $100,000 to be there, which will vary from heist to heist.
Overall Heist Cap Limit
The maximum overall amount you can take in a single heist is GTA$3.619 million. This means that even if you somehow get more than that capped amount, it won't do you any good since the maximum you'll be able to walk away with is still just GTA$3.619 million.
Gold Bar Glitch (Now Patched)
There was a glitch where players could respawn gold bars after collecting all but the last one. Once you were left with just one gold bar, you could back out of the grabbing animation and start taking them again. The glitch only worked once per gold cart/tray. Some players reportedly used this glitch to get up to $4-$5 million, but even so, they still only took away that lower amount due to the GTA$3.6 million cap.
The Diamond Casino Heist payout is a thrilling aspect of GTA Online that requires strategy and planning. With this guide, you'll be well-equipped to maximize your earnings and make the most of your heists. Remember to consider crew and Lester's cuts, choose the best hackers, and make the most of your time in the vault. Happy gaming!