Menemukan Oyster di Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Menemukan Oyster di Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas adalah salah satu game terbaik yang pernah dibuat oleh Rockstar Games. Salah satu fitur menarik dalam game ini adalah oyster, sebuah objek yang dapat ditemukan dan dikumpulkan. Berikut ini adalah lokasi semua oyster yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah Tierra Robada, Bone County, dan Las Venturas.

Tierra Robada dan Bone County

Berikut adalah lokasi setiap oyster yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah Tierra Robada dan Bone County:

  1. Gant Bridge
    Oyster #1 Gant Bridge: Temukan di bawah jembatan Gant, sebelah timur Oyster #27.

  2. Gant Bridge
    Oyster #2 Gant Bridge: Temukan di bawah jembatan Gant, sebelah utara Oyster #34. Letakkan antara sebuah lengkungan dan batuan yang paling dekat dengan jalan raya.

  3. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #1 Tierra Robada: Temukan di air, sebelah tengguruh sekolah. Just before you reach the sand, head into the water and you'll see the oyster.

  4. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #2 Tierra Robada: Follow the coast where you found Oyster #33 until you're north of the ship mentioned in Oyster #27. You'll see the oyster in the water next to a rock wall.

  5. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #3 Tierra Robada: Follow the coast as instructed in Oyster #37. Keep following it until you see a few large rock formations to your left. Go towards the rocks and, once you pass them, you'll see the oyster in the water.

  6. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #4 Tierra Robada: Follow the same coast as instructed in Oyster #38. But, instead of turning at the rocks, continue along the coastline. You'll see a small dock and a small building with a roof. Head into the small building and you'll see the oyster in the water.

  7. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #5 Tierra Robada: To find Tierra Robada Oyster #5, follow the same coastline as instructed in Oyster #39. You'll be able to make a left turn there to head under a bridge. Under that bridge is the oyster.

  8. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #6 Tierra Robada: Head north of The Sherman Dam. Eventually, you'll be under a bridge. The oyster is underneath the bridge in the water.

  9. Tierra Robada
    Oyster #7 Tierra Robada: Head north of Oyster #41. Before you hit the bridge, you'll see a wooden dock with a plane in the water. Underneath the plane, you'll find the oyster.

  10. The Sherman Dam
    Oyster The Sherman Dam: Head toward the westernmost tower. Between the two towers under the bridge, you'll spot the oyster.

  11. Bone County
    Oyster Bone County: Go north of the Verdant Meadows Airfield to find an oyster at the edge of the shore.

Las Venturas

Berikut adalah lokasi setiap oyster yang dapat ditemukan di wilayah Las Venturas:

  1. Las Venturas
    Oyster Las Venturas: Found in the northeasternmost point of this zone. It's somewhat at the edge of the map already.

  2. Roca Escalante
    Oyster Roca Escalante: Find the guitar pool at the Rock Hotel. The oyster is under a diving board.

  3. The Visage
    Oyster The Visage: Has a waterfall attraction at its entrance. Check the waterfall to find the oyster.

  4. Pirates In Men's Pants
    Oyster Pirates In Men's Pants: Near the walkway in the northern side of the hotel. You'll find the oyster in the pool.

  5. Pilgrim
    Oyster Pilgrim: Can be found in the middle of the square pool. Just swim and you'll be able to grab it.

  6. Come-A-Lot
    Oyster Come-A-Lot: In the pool at the establishment's entrance. It's located on the northern side next to the wall.

Setelah menemukan semua oyster, Anda akan melihat pesan pada layar:
Up Next: Unique Jumps

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