Questions & Answers
Q: Are Blue-Eyes White Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh decks really overpowered?
A: No deck is invincible, but with some incredible ATK scores, brutal monster effects, and plenty of great support cards, many duelists think the series is overpowered.
Q: Are Blue Eyes decks competitively viable?
A: Definitely, at least when built well. Dragons are a popular type that has plenty of support options, making it easy to combine both Blue-Eyes specific and general dragon support cards into one potent pack. Throw in some high ATK values that offer a great beatdown strategy, and Blue-Eyes builds should more than hold their own.
Q: In Yu-Gi-Oh, can link monsters work in a Blue-Eyes deck?
A: Yes, especially if you want multiple Blue-Eyes fusion monsters out at once.
DuckyDog on February 06, 2019:
Could you do Odd-eyes next, I know some cards I need to include (Arc and Persona for instance) but some others I'm not so sure, lancer and saber maybe, xiangke to get the effects of rebellion/raging pendulum reborn to get back the monsters, some generic pendulums maybe? I'm honestly torn as to what to include.
Robert on January 09, 2019:
what about Rage with Eyes of Blue, or Beacon of White?
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on September 07, 2018:
@Matthias Agree to disagree, my friend. I'm not saying every Blue-Eyes deck needs three Maidens, but she can stall as well as synchro, and her peers can help search her.
Matthias on September 07, 2018:
Blue Eyes is already bricky af. So cards like maiden and deep eyes are really bad choices because they are really situational. I would replace maiden with Sage with the eyes of Blue. Could also argue about the red eyes dragon because it also leads to more dead hands.
Lango on May 14, 2018:
Also blue eyes twin burst dragon can be fused without polymerization
Lango on May 14, 2018:
Blue eyes twin burst dragon is amazing too can kill any monster with its effect immortal to battle damage
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on May 02, 2018:
@ultimatedefense Thank you. Yes, burn chain decks rely on effect damage to defeat foes, sometimes throwing in a heap of stall cards to defend themselves. Many employ the card Chain Strike, which inflicts 400 damage per its chain level, landing thousands of damage when chained in a long link.
BEWARE DANGER on April 30, 2018:
Very nice article, man. Also do you happen to have any information on burn chain decks?
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on April 22, 2018:
@Drew Return of the Dragon Lords is definitely a great addition (I'm sure you saw it made today's number 9 slot) to a Blue-Eyes build. However, you might be exaggerating a bit when calling it only "slightly toned down" from Monster Reborn; unlike that card, it requires a specific type and level and can only access your graveyard, not your opponent's.
Drew on April 20, 2018:
While I understand your logic in some of these choices, i feel that gospel revival (Return of the Dragon Lords) should take the top spot because its essentially a slightly toned down monster reborn with monster protection.
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