Poker Face, a thriller/suspense movie released in 2022, has garnered significant attention and acclaim from audiences worldwide. Directed by [Director's Name], the film follows the story of a tech billionaire who hosts a high-stakes poker game between friends, but things take an unexpected turn when long-held secrets are revealed, an elaborate revenge plot unfolds, and thieves break in.
Cast & Crew
The movie boasts a talented cast, including [Lead Actor/Actress's Name], [Supporting Actor/Actress's Name], and [Other notable Cast Members]. The film is produced by [Production Company] and distributed by [Distributor].
User Reviews
With an average rating of 5.4 out of 10 based on 125 user reviews, Poker Face has received a mixed bag of opinions from audiences. Some reviewers have praised the film's engaging storyline, impressive sets, and well-executed plot twists, while others have criticized its slow pacing and predictable plot developments.
Critic Reviews
According to Metacritic, Poker Face has garnered a Metascore of 43 out of 100 based on 44 critic reviews, indicating "mixed or average" reviews from critics.
Trivia & FAQs
Did you know that the movie's streaming release date in France is [Release Date]? Or that the film was shot entirely in [Location]?
For more information about Poker Face, including its worldwide box office performance and production details, please visit our research services at [Research Service Website].