Halo semua,
It's been a while since my last update, and I'm glad to be back with some exciting news about the Endless Annihilation mod for Age of Wonders: Planetfall! As you may know, this is a Startpos Mod, which means it will be incompatible with any other mod that modifies the Startpos data. If you're interested in learning more about what's new and improved in this update, keep reading!
The Foundation Subfaction
I'm thrilled to announce that The Foundation subfaction is now fully complete and playable! This faction has been revamped with new units, abilities, and upgrades, making it an exciting addition to the game. Here are some of the highlights:
- Mech units: The Foundation will provide upgraded versions of mech units for each main faction, depending on the faction you're playing.
- T5 super units: Two new T5 super units have been added: Aerial Carrier, which can transport jet and aerial units, and Land Ship, a slow-moving unit with superior artillery support. Both units come with unique abilities and weaknesses.
The Foundation also introduces customizable mechs for your commander and heroes! With each upgrade to the Foundation, you'll unlock new generations of mechs, including MECH WARRIOR-inspired mechs (1st generation), FRONT LINE-inspired mechs (2nd generation), and ARMORED CORE-inspired mechs (3rd generation). These mechs have their own stats and abilities, as well as a huge arsenal of armaments to customize.
Orbital Layer and Units
The Orbital Relay now unlocks more than just reinforcement and fast travel methods. All factions can build three new satellites in the orbital layer, each providing different benefits such as power generation, support fire, orbital bombardment, long-range map reveals, and stealth detection. These satellites are currently available for all factions: Combat satellite, Spy satellite, Solar satellite, and Mega Corp's Arasaka Capital ship (for those who've unlocked it). Future updates will bring even more orbital units and satellites to the game!
Mega-Corp Overhaul
To ensure balance and fun gameplay, I've had to overhaul many of the original factions. The subfaction system for Mega Corp has been removed, and its units have been relocated to the JSDF subfaction. Many Mega Corp units have also undergone redesigns and reworks to balance their abilities and weapon FXs.
In this update, each time you research a new tier of Mega-Corp, you'll have the option to pick one unit between three options! This system will help balance the faction's power and make it more engaging. Here are some examples of new or reworked units:
- Marines (T1)
- Bladers (T1)
- Siege Tank (T4)
- Ghost (T4)
- Maverick Jet (T4)
That's all for now! I hope you've enjoyed this update and the exciting changes it brings to the Endless Annihilation mod. Sorry about any typos, as they're always a possibility.
Next time, I'll share more progress on finishing Mega Corp and introducing new ideas. Your comments are always welcome, and they can even boost my mood to work faster and come up with even cooler concepts!
Stay tuned for the next update, and thank you for your support!