Landscape Architecture: A Diverse and Creative Field

Landscape Architecture: A Diverse and Creative Field

Indonesia, sejak awalnya telah menjadi bagian dari negara dengan budaya yang kaya dan beragam. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi kita untuk memiliki program studi yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan bakat masing-masing individu. Salah satu contoh program studi yang sangat menarik adalah Landscape Architecture.

Landscape Architecture adalah sebuah program studi yang memfokuskan pada perencanaan dan pengembangan wilayah, termasuk ruang terbuka, taman, dan infrastruktur lainnya. Dalam program ini, Anda akan belajar bagaimana mengintegrasikan konsep desain, teknologi, dan ekologinya untuk menciptakan suatu lingkungan yang seimbang dan harmonis.

Dalam Artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang Landscape Architecture di SKKU (Seoul National University) dan berbagai informasi lainnya yang relevan dengan program studi ini.

Program Doktoral (S3)

Admission Information:

  • Period of study: 2 years
  • Enrolment Period: March, September of every year
  • Application Period: May – October
  • Degree: Doctorate (Applicants must meet one of the conditions below)

A. Degree:
(1) Master / Combined Master’s & Doctorate course applicants
① Those who have earned a Bachelor's degree
② Those who are expected to earn a Bachelor's degree by February 2017
(2) Doctoral course applicants
① Those who have earned a Master's degree
② Those who are expected to earn a Master's degree by February 2017

B. Nationality:
(1) Those who have foreign citizenship and who have parents that also do
(2) Applicants with foreign citizenship and have completed entire education courses outside of Korea
(3) Applicants who are citizens of Korea and have completed entire education courses outside of Korea
(4) Applicants who are new settlers from North Korea

Information of Department


17174 Fashion Design
17178 Design
17179 Dance
17197 Economics
17198 Statistics
17200 International Trade
17209 Polymer Science & Engineering
17212 Civil and Environmental Engineering
17213 Architecture
17214 Mechanical Engineering
17215 Nano Science and Technology
17216 Industrial Engineering
17217 Advanced Materials Science & Engineering
17218 Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering
17219 Landscape Architecture
17220 Chemical Engineering
17243 Department of Korean Language and Literature
17244 Department of English Language and Literature
17245 Department of French Language and Literature
17246 Department of Chinese Language and Literature
17247 Department of German Language and Literature
17248 Department of Korean Literature in Classical Chinese
17249 Department of History
17250 Department of Philosophy
17251 Department of Library and Information Science
17285 Sociology
17287 Consumer & Family Science
17288 Journalism and Mass Communications
17290 Psychology
17292 Child Psychology & Education
17293 Political Science and Diplomacy
17296 Human Resource Development


Gimana? jurusan tujuan mu ada ga? Nah, kalo jurusan yang kamu pengenin gada jangan kecewa dulu. Masih ada universitas keren lainnya selain SKKU kok. Nanti bakal di share yak. Ikutin terus blog aku yak hehe. Untuk seputar Beasiswa dan Persyaratan juga nanti bakla di share. Tunggu aja oke. Makasih semuanya~

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