Upgrade Slot Orbment dengan Cerdik di The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

Upgrade Slot Orbment dengan Cerdik di The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

Dalam permainan JRPG The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, pengelolaan slot orbment menjadi salah satu hal yang sangat penting. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas kapan harus meningkatkan slot orbment dan bagaimana cara mengelola mereka dengan cerdas.

Pertimbangan Meningkatkan Slot Orbment

Sebelum kita membahas kapan harus meningkatkan slot orbment, perlu diingat bahwa tidak semua slot orbment adalah prioritas. Ada beberapa pertimbangan yang perlu dipertahankan:

  • Kebutuhan dasar: Action dan Cast adalah two essential quarts that you need to have in your party as soon as possible. These quarts are usable by everyone, not just specific characters.
  • Karakter Prioritas: Estelle is a character who is always present in your party throughout the game, except for a few short sequences. Agate/Scherezard are also part of your main party until chapter 5-ish. It's essential to upgrade these characters' orbments accordingly.

Kapan Meningkatkan Slot Orbment?

Dalam permainan Trails in the Sky, tidak ada batasan inventory yang spesifik untuk slot orbment. Namun, ada beberapa pertimbangan yang perlu dipertahankan:

  • Estelle: Upgrading Estelle's orbment is always a good idea, unless you're prioritizing upgrading other important quarts. Remember that Estelle is always in your party, so it's crucial to have her orbment upgraded accordingly.
  • Agate/Scherezard: These characters are part of your main party until chapter 5-ish. You should prioritize upgrading their orbments during this time.
  • Kloe and Tita: These characters are not as critical as Estelle, but they can still be useful in battle. If you have the resources to upgrade their orbments, it's a good idea to do so.

Cara Mengelola Slot Orbment dengan Cerdik

Dalam permainan Trails in the Sky, Anda dapat mengelola slot orbment dengan cerdas dengan cara berikut:

  • Prioritaskan Upgrade: Prioritize upgrading Estelle and other essential quarts before upgrading other characters' orbments.
  • Manajemen Resource: Manage your resources carefully to ensure that you have enough EP (Expenses Points) to upgrade the characters you want.
  • Pilihan Karakter: Choose which characters to prioritize upgrading based on their roles in battle and how they contribute to your party's overall strength.


Mengelola slot orbment di The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky memerlukan strategi dan manajemen resource yang baik. Dengan mengikuti tips dan trik di atas, Anda dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan slot orbment dan meningkatkan kesadaran karakter dalam permainan.

[1] "When to upgrade Orbment slots?" :: The Legend of Heroes (GameFAQs)
[2] "Is there an inventory limit? – The Legend of Heroes – GameFAQs"

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