Domino Scheduling: Tips and Tricks

Domino Scheduling: Tips and Tricks

Domino scheduling is an essential feature in Domino, a collaboration platform that allows users to manage their time effectively. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for Domino scheduling, including how to use the Attachment Filtering page of the Domino discovery task wizard.

Attachment Filtering

The Attachment Filtering page allows you to determine which attachments are scanned. To use this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Include file types" to look for specific attachments.
  2. List the types of files to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
  3. Select "Except" to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted.
  4. Mark "Scan only files larger than" and select a minimum file size from the spinner.
  5. Mark "Scan only files smaller than" and select a maximum file size from the spinner.

CSV and Excel File Type

In Notes 10, users can now import CSV and Excel file types into a new message. This feature is useful for importing data from Microsoft Office applications like Excel. To use this feature, simply drag and drop a CSV or Excel file into the message composition window.

Integrating iNotes with HCL Connections Docs

iNotes users can view documents with HCL Connections Docs by following these steps:

  1. Set up SSO between the HCL Domino server, the HCL Connections server, and the HCL Connections Docs server.
  2. In the mail policy settings document, click "HCL iNotes" and then click "Configuration."
  3. Enable the "Allow HCL Connections Docs Integration" field.
  4. Enter the URL that points to the server on which HCL Connections Docs is installed.
  5. Select the types of files viewable to the user.

Viewable File Types

The following file types are supported by HCL Connections Docs:

  • xls: Microsoft Excel
  • xlsx: Microsoft Excel
  • docx: Microsoft Word
  • pptx: Microsoft PowerPoint
  • ppt: Microsoft PowerPoint
  • csv (Not yet supported): Comma separated value file of exported Microsoft Outlook contact names in ASCII format with .csv file name extension.
  • doc: Microsoft Word
  • pdf: Adobe Reader

Proxy Settings

To designate the proxy settings in the security policy settings document, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Proxies" and then click "Edit List."
  2. Enter the Context field as "/xsp/proxy/ViewerProxy/"
  3. Enter the URL pointing to the HCL Connections Docs server.
  4. If you entered an https: URL, import the Connections certificate into Domino JVM CACERTS file by entering this command from the system prompt:
keytool -import -file location of certificate file -trustcacerts -alias friendly name to identify the certificate -keystore domino install dir\jvm\lib\security\cacerts
  1. Click "Add/Modify Value."
  2. Specify any combination of GET, POST, and HEAD in the Actions field.
  3. Enter * (asterisk) in the Cookies, Mime Types, and Headers fields.
  4. Click OK and then click Save and Close.

By following these tips and tricks for Domino scheduling, CSV and Excel file type importing, and integrating iNotes with HCL Connections Docs, you can effectively manage your time and collaborate with others using Domino.

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