Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub: A Sweet Treat for Your Lips

Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub: A Sweet Treat for Your Lips

Hot Pink Cover

Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub is a sweet treat for your lips that comes in a small, convenient package with a hot pink cover. The outer packaging has a textured finish, making it easy to grip and open. Inside, you'll find the lip scrub itself, along with information about the product, its ingredients, usage instructions, and expiration date.

Product Description

Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub is a gentle exfoliating treatment that contains sugar as its main ingredient. The texture of the scrub is similar to a balm mixed with sugar, with small brown and black specks. To use it, simply apply a thin layer to your lips using your fingers for 1-2 minutes, then wipe off with a tissue or water.


When I first opened the lip scrub, I was greeted by a sweet, candy-like aroma that I absolutely adore. The texture of the scrub is just right – not too rough, not too gentle. It's easy to apply and massage onto my lips.


The lip scrub itself has a lovely texture, making it comfortable to use. When I first tried to take some out, I found it a bit difficult due to its pressed state, but after the first attempt, it became easier to get out. The balm-like consistency makes it gentle on my lips and doesn't hurt when applied.

Performance in Use

I find that using this lip scrub once a week is enough to keep my lips looking their best. After exfoliating, I rinse with water and pat dry, leaving my lips feeling smooth and soft.

Price and Where to Buy

Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub costs around IDR 20-30 thousand, depending on the location where you buy it. Unfortunately, I had trouble finding this product in stores or online due to its popularity. However, I finally managed to get it through Sociolla, where I also received a discount code (SBN04B0D0) that saved me some money.

Final Verdict

Despite being small, Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub is definitely worth trying for the price and performance. If you have dark lips, this product is especially great. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn't overclaim – unlike manual exfoliation methods I used to use with sugar and honey, this lip scrub makes the process easy, simple, and quick.

In-Use Experience

After using it regularly, I can see the benefits of using Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub. My lips feel softer and brighter, and I've even included it in my holy grail products list for 2021!

Are you interested in trying Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub? Have you already tried it? Share your lip scrub experience in the comments!

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