Demos: Scatter Plot with Trend Line

Demos: Scatter Plot with Trend Line

Highcharts provides a wide range of chart types and options for customization. In this article, we will explore the scatter plot with trend line demo.


Let's start by defining our dataset:

const dataset = [
 [1.4, 0.4],
 [2.4, 5.3],
 [2.9, 4.9],
 [5, 2.3],
 [3.6, 1.9],
 [5.1, 6.1],
 [2, 4],
 [2, 5.6],
 [-0.2, 6.3],
 [1.2, 6.3]

This dataset consists of 10 data points with x and y values.

Trend Line

To create a trend line, we will use the getTrendLine function:

function getTrendLine(data) {
 const n = data.length;

 let sumX = 0,
 sumY = 0,
 sumXY = 0,
 sumX2 = 0;

 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 const [x, y] = data[i];
 sumX += x;
 sumY += y;
 sumXY += x * y;
 sumX2 += x ** 2;

 const slope = (n * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (n * sumX2 - sumX ** 2);

 const intercept = (sumY - slope * sumX) / n;

 const trendline = []; 

 const minX = Math.min([x]) => x));
 const maxX = Math.max([x]) => x));

 trendline.push([minX, minX * slope + intercept]);
 trendline.push([maxX, maxX * slope + intercept]);

 return trendline;

This function calculates the slope and intercept of a linear regression line using the dataset.

Highcharts Chart

Now, let's create our Highcharts chart:

Highcharts.chart('container', {
 title: {
 text: 'Scatter plot with trend line'
 xAxis: {
 min: -0.5,
 max: 5.5
 yAxis: {
 min: 0
 series: [{
 type: 'line',
 name: 'Trend Line',
 data: getTrendLine(dataset),
 marker: {
 enabled: false
 states: {
 hover: {
 lineWidth: 0
 enableMouseTracking: false
 }, {
 type: 'scatter',
 name: 'Observations',
 data: dataset,
 marker: {
 radius: 4

In this chart, we have two series:

  • A line series for the trend line
  • A scatter series for our observations

##In this article, we demonstrated how to create a scatter plot with a trend line using Highcharts. We defined our dataset and implemented a function to calculate the slope and intercept of the trend line. Finally, we created our Highcharts chart and displayed it in the browser.


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