Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, teknologi pengukuran frekuensi tinggi telah mengalami kemajuan signifikan. Salah satu contoh adalah imaging through scattering media, yaitu proses pengukuran yang dapat melalui media pemantul (scattering medium) dan memperoleh gambaran yang akurat tentang objek yang dituju.
Namun, pengukuran frekuensi tinggi tidak hanya terbatas pada teknologi imaging. Absorber juga berperan penting dalam pengukuran ini. Absorber adalah suatu material yang digunakan untuk menyerap energi radiasi elektromagnetik dan mengurangi efek pemantulan (reflection) pada objek.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang dua teknologi yang terkait: imaging through scattering media dan absorber. Kita juga akan membahas tentang beberapa contoh aplikasi dari kedua teknologi tersebut.
Imaging through Scattering Media
Imaging through scattering media adalah proses pengukuran yang dapat melalui media pemantul (scattering medium) dan memperoleh gambaran yang akurat tentang objek yang dituju. Teknologi ini sangat berguna dalam pengukuran frekuensi tinggi, seperti microwave dan millimeter wave, karena media pemantul dapat menyebabkan radiasi elektromagnetik terpantul dan mengurangi akurasi pengukuran.
Namun, dengan adanya absorber, teknologi imaging through scattering media dapat meningkatkan akurasi pengukuran. Absorber dapat menyerap energi radiasi elektromagnetik yang tidak diinginkan dan mengurangi efek pemantulan (reflection) pada objek.
Convoluted Absorbers – AEC Series
One example of absorber is the Convoluted Absorbers – AEC Series, which is designed to provide high reflectivity performance in conjunction with low forward scattering characteristics. This absorber is manufactured from lightweight urethane foam impregnated with a dielectric material and has a rippled front surface that provides a good match to the impinging wavefront.
The Convoluted Absorbers – AEC Series is suitable for applications requiring high reflectivity performance in conjunction with low forward scattering characteristics, such as RCS & antenna measurement chambers in the microwave & millimeter wave region.
Another example of absorber is the Convex, which is designed to provide reflectivity performance of 35dB or greater and minimizes low forward scattering characteristics at incident angles up to 60 or greater from normal incidence. The Convex absorber has a specially designed geometry that creates a gradual transition from free-space to loaded substrate for absorption of electromagnetic energy.
The Convex absorber is ideal for applications in treating antenna mechanical support structures, and/or metallic positioner devices as wrap-around absorber while testing antennas. It is also ideally suited for small millimeter-wave anechoic chambers.
Non-Hygroscopic Substrate
Both the Convoluted Absorbers – AEC Series and Convex absorbers use a new fire-retardant chemical formula that is non-hygroscopic. This means that the absorber is not affected by moisture and will maintain its mechanical and RF performance over the life of the product.
Broadband Performance
The Convex Series absorber is designed to provide good RF attenuation of incident electromagnetic wave from L-Band to W-Band frequency ranges. It can safely perform in environments that generate field strengths up to 200 V/m with operating temperatures up to 90 C (190 F).
Tested Performance
The Convex Series absorber has been tested for reflectivity performance using the Naval Research Lab (NRL) broadband swept frequency arch method.
Fire Retardancy
The Convex Series absorber meets applicable US government and commercial flammability specifications as verified by an independent testing laboratory.
Dalam kesimpulan, imaging through scattering media dan absorber adalah teknologi revolusioner dalam pengukuran frekuensi tinggi. Dengan menggunakan Convoluted Absorbers – AEC Series dan Convex, kita dapat meningkatkan akurasi pengukuran dan mengurangi efek pemantulan (reflection) pada objek.