Orangescythe1990 mengomentari:
"Saya tidak suka dengan Tigris Prime. Lanka bagus, tapi saya lebih menggunakan untuk sinergi dengan Magnetize. Untuk jelas, saya tidak pernah memotato Vaykor Hek dan belum menggunakan Hek biasa dalam waktu lama. Tetapi itu masih senjata yang aku rekomendasikan untuk pemain baru. Saya biasanya hanya menggunakan Arca Plasmor yang bekerja baik di mana-mana."
Fair enough! I myself have multi-forma builds for both Heks, and the regular one indeed makes a fine new player gun.
The thing is, Vaykor one is MR12 which shifts it towards stronger weapons in theory, but in practice it doesn't seem to be as good. The real reason behind being unable to equip Scattered Justice might be that the game doesn't actually know how to handle 2 sources of syndicate effects on the same gun and causes scripts to discombobulate.
Saya hanya ingin senjata baru dari syndikat
Komentar EvilChaosKnight
Glances at status full status Tigris Prime
Takes a long hard look at Lanka and Riven mods for it + Hunter Munitions.
Shakes his head at Mesa, melee, Saryn and many other things clearly superior anyway.
Don't even remember when I last used any of the Heks. They are too mundane and boring to use for fun, and too mediocre to use for meta/efficiency. I guess Warframe has its own version of uncanny valley after all with weapon's efficiency in farming/general power on X and fun factor on Y.
Vaykor Hek with Primed Ravage + Hunters Munition does as much damage as 100% status Tigris Prime, though.
Well the Tigris does much more damage per shot, but given the much faster fire rate and 8 rounds per reload of the Vaykor Hek, it evens out.
The Uncanny Valley of Warframe Weapons: A Discussion on Tigris Prime and Heks
In this discussion, we delve into the world of Warframe weapons and explore the idea of the uncanny valley. Orangescythe1990 shares his thoughts on the Tigris Prime and Heks, highlighting the pros and cons of each weapon. Meanwhile, EvilChaosKnight provides a contrasting view, emphasizing the value of Vaykor Hek and its potential to rival the Tigris Prime.
The conversation begins with Orangescythe1990's statement that he dislikes the Tigris Prime and prefers using Lanka for its synergy with Magnetize. He also shares his experience with Vaykor Hek, stating that he never even potatoed it and hasn't used regular Hek in a while. Despite this, he recommends the Arca Plasmor as a reliable weapon for new players.
EvilChaosKnight takes a different approach, gazing at the status of Tigris Prime before highlighting the potential of Lanka and Riven mods for Vaykor Hek. He also shakes his head at Mesa, melee, Saryn, and other superior weapons in the game. According to him, the Heks are too mundane and boring to use for fun or meta/efficiency.
The discussion takes an interesting turn when EvilChaosKnight reveals that Vaykor Hek with Primed Ravage + Hunters Munition can rival the damage output of 100% status Tigris Prime. He notes that while the Tigris does more damage per shot, the faster fire rate and higher capacity of Vaykor Hek make it a viable alternative.
Throughout this discussion, we explore the complexities of Warframe weapons and the uncanny valley phenomenon. It's clear that each player has their own preferences and playstyles, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weapon choice.