Cheat Engine untuk Growtopia

Cheat Engine untuk Growtopia

Install Cheat Engine

Untuk menginstall Cheat Engine, Anda dapat melakukan berikut:

  • Double-click pada file .CT yang Anda miliki.
  • Klik ikon PC pada Cheat Engine untuk memilih proses permainan.
  • Jika Anda memiliki beberapa game yang diinstal, pastikan Anda memilih game Growtopia yang benar.
  • Jika Anda tidak yakin cara menginstall Cheat Engine, Anda dapat mencari tutorial online atau bantuan dari pengembang.

Trainer's Preview

Berikut adalah contoh trainer untuk Growtopia yang Anda miliki:

Opisi Nilai
Activate Trainer Options 0/1
Keep List


Anda dapat menemukan beberapa attachment di bawah ini:

Open Source Growtopia Trainer (V3.63) (Outdated)

Berikut adalah informasi tentang trainer open source yang Anda miliki:

Opisi Nilai
First of all, the cheats I made weren't viruses. And I wanted to quit Growtopia and let people know about it. I already wanted to make the cheat open source. But a few days later, Discord suspended my account and made it easier to tell people that I was leaving Growtopia. After that, I decided to make the trainer an open source project.
And of course 🙂 Have Fun!!

Information About The Trainer

Trainer yang Anda miliki adalah file .EXE (executable) karena saya memasukkan trainer dan file-file lainnya ke dalam proyek Visual Studio saya (di folder resources), yang berarti: EXE adalah loader. It is extracting the required files in "%temp%/NotYetHAX/". EXE starts the trainer in "%temp%/NotYetHAX/NotYetHAXs_Trainer.EXE". Saya tahu Anda penasaran mengapa ini adalah EXE? Karena saya membuat trainer EXE dengan Cheat Engine (dengan "Exe Trainer Generator")
Why .EXE? why not .CETRAINER?
Because some people don't know how to install cheat engine and start the trainer with it.. So .EXE is better for those people 🙂


Berikut adalah informasi tentang project INZERNAL:

Opisi Nilai
Growtopia internal cheat focused around enhancements, clean code, support across versions, and framework


  • Currently adding more, see code for yourself.

Setup Tutorial

  • Building yourself

Download Project

  • Make sure you are using Release x64
    (Optional) Modify source if you want to
  • Build all projects
  • Choose your method of injection

injector (See below)
patcher (See below)
Any custom injector
Both injector and patcher

Using the Injector

Keep INZERNAL.dll in the same directory
F1 will inject INZERNAL to Growtopia
F3 will uninject INZERNAL and restore everything (Built into INZERNAL)
F4 will quit injector
Requires admin permissions due to growtopia changing token permissions

Using the Patcher

Drag any unpatched Growtopia file into patcher
Put INZERNAL.dll into same directory as Growtopia
When you launch Growtopia, INZERNAL.dll is automatically loaded
Does not require admin perms like injector
You can use injector with patched file too

Verified Compatible Growtopia Versions

Some patterns might be outdated for some versions
Find version binaries here
Verified working Growtopia versions are:

  • V.45 (Recommended version)
  • V.41
  • V3.39


No need to build anything yourself
No support for custom settings right now (will support later)
Downloads here


Set build to Debug x64
Rebuild to be sure everything is correct
Inject debug dll to Growtopia
INZERNAL will disable Growtopia's token protection automatically, so admin will not be needed for debugging
On visual studio go to Debug -> Attach to Process -> Find Growtopia
All done, it should be attached. If it asks for admin perms then you did not inject the dll properly.

Now you can set breakpoints and trace, etc.
You can also keep it attached and unload the library, and then reload it.


This is not internal, the first internal ever made for growtopia, that was developed by atipls, me, and tero.
That is our private internal and will not be released or sold.
INZERNAL uses some small parts from internal
Patcher made by me
Acknowledgments to other contributors

INZERNAL Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Setup Tutorial
  4. Using the Injector
  5. Using the Patcher
  6. Verified Compatible Growtopia Versions
  8. Debugging
  9. Acknowledgments

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