In an online poker discussion forum, a player asked about the concept of "turnover" in relation to bonus rewards. The term "turnover" refers to the play-through requirements needed to clear a bonus. In other words, it's the amount of money that needs to be wagered or played before the bonus can be released.
To clarify the concept, Rockeye explained that turnover is simply a fancy way of saying "play-through requirements." He also mentioned that he had experience with the Pacific platform and found that it was quite slow, taking around 2 hours to play a single hand at higher limits like NL25. This limitation makes it more challenging to clear bonuses.
Another important point made by Rockeye is that players only collect FPPs (Frequent Player Points) when they contribute to the rake, not just by being dealt cards. This means that even if a player is playing multiple tables, they won't earn FPPs unless they're also contributing to the rake through their bets.
Clearing Bonuses at 888poker
The original poster asked whether it's achievable to clear 50% of a bonus (175$) in two months by playing NL25 Sit & Go (SSS) tables for 2-3 hours a day, with 4 tables open. Rockeye's warning about the limited number of tables and multi-tabling limitations suggests that this goal may be challenging.
Texas Hold'em Bonus Poker: A Casino Game
For those interested in learning more about poker games, Texas Hold'em Bonus Poker is a casino table game that differs from traditional multiplayer Texas Hold'em poker. The key differences include no bet after the river card, and the bonus bet is based solely on the player's starting hand.
The optimal strategy for the flop bet involves calling all hands except for certain offsuit combinations (2-3, 2-4, etc.). However, this strategy is extremely complicated due to the large number of possible card combinations.