Hirohiko Araki, the renowned manga artist behind the iconic series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, has always been known for his unique and imaginative storytelling style. One of the most distinctive aspects of his work is the concept of STANDs, extraordinary beings with supernatural powers that can be controlled by their creators.

In this article, we will delve into the world of STANDs and explore some of the most fascinating and intriguing aspects of these mystical entities. From their origins to their abilities, we will examine what makes STANDs so captivating and integral to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe.

The Origins of STAND

According to Harvest, one of the earliest manga volumes in the series, STANDs are beings that possess a unique energy known as "Life" (, Seikim). This Life energy is what allows STANDs to exist and function. In essence, STANDs are the physical manifestations of a person's soul or consciousness.

The Characteristics of STAND

STANDs have several distinct characteristics that set them apart from other fictional entities. Some of these traits include:

  • Physical Form: STANDs can take on various forms, ranging from humanoid to abstract shapes.
  • Supernatural Powers: Each STAND possesses unique abilities that are determined by the user's personality and Life energy.
  • Separate Existence: STANDs have a separate existence from their creators, allowing them to think, move, and act independently.

The Evolution of STAND

Throughout the series, we see various STANDs emerge with different abilities and characteristics. This evolution is largely driven by the interactions between STANDs and their users. Some notable examples include:

  • Killer Queen: A powerful and mysterious STAND that appears in multiple story arcs.
  • Hermit Purple: A camera-like STAND that allows its user to see and manipulate the world around them.

The Role of STANDs in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

STANDs are integral to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, serving as a central theme throughout the narrative. They:

  • Influence Character Development: The relationships between users and their STANDs often drive character development and plot progression.
  • Create Conflict: The unique abilities of STANDs create tension and conflict within the story, propelling the narrative forward.

The world of STAND is a fascinating and complex aspect of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. From their origins to their evolution, STANDs are a testament to Hirohiko Araki's creativity and storytelling prowess. As we continue to explore this mystical realm, we can't help but be captivated by the endless possibilities that these extraordinary beings offer.


  • Harvest – Vol.17 "Shueisha Jump Remix Diamond is Unbreakable Edition" P190 The Origin of STAND! part.6
  • JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104
  • Chapter 345: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 4, p. 13
  • JOJOVELLER: Araki's Stand Commentaries – Killer Queen

Inside Illustration

[Insert illustration of a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character with their STAND]

Note: The references provided are in Japanese and may require translation for readers not fluent in the language.

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