Poker Game Mobile App with Android Studio: A Comprehensive Guide

Poker Game Mobile App with Android Studio: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, the popularity of online poker games has skyrocketed, with millions of players worldwide enjoying the thrill and excitement of this card game. With the rise of mobile gaming, it's no surprise that Poker games have also made their way onto our smartphones. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Poker Game Mobile Apps, specifically designed using Android Studio.

What is Poker?

For those who may not be familiar with the concept of Poker, let us start by explaining what it's all about. Poker is a renowned family of card games where players compete to determine the best hand based on specific game rules. It enjoys global acceptance for its blend of strategy, skill, and chance.

Poker Game Mobile App: A Comprehensive Solution

Our product is meticulously crafted and thoroughly tested, representing a complete set of 9 games. While it's already robust and well-organized, our dedicated team continues to enhance its features. The beauty lies in its customizability — accessible to anyone with programming knowledge. You can effortlessly modify the code to suit your unique requirements.

Key Features:

  1. Login Section: User-friendly login section allowing users to log in using their username and password.
  2. Register Section: Simple registration process that includes entering user details, referral code (if applicable), and OTP verification.
  3. Profile Section: Displays user's profile information, including username, age, bank details, UPI number, phone details, and more.
  4. Bank Details: Shows detailed bank information, including account holder name, account number, IFSC Code, and passbook image.
  5. KYC Details: Displays PAN card number and Aadhar card number for secure transactions.
  6. Update Password: Allows users to update their password by entering the old password and new one.
  7. Add Cash: Enables users to add funds to their wallet with a pre-fixed amount or manually entered UTR number and amount.
  8. Notification: Keeps users informed about game updates, notifications, and other important information.
  9. Statement: Displays user's statement of recent games played, including wallet balance, date, and time updates.
  10. Help: Provides assistance for any query or issue with the game, allowing users to contact us easily.

Other Features:

  1. Daily Reward: Offers bonus coins when players log in daily, with multiple reward amounts available.
  2. Withdraw: Enables users to apply redeem codes, view coin details, and track withdrawal status.
  3. Share/Invite: Allows users to invite friends and family to earn more coins by sharing ref codes or social media links.
  4. Shop: Offers two methods to shop: automatic and manual, with options for UTR number entry and amount selection.


  1. Lucky Slot: Provides a spin feature that awards instant discounts on add amounts.
  2. Click on Play: Initiates the game by displaying match details, allowing users to choose which one to play and start the game.
  3. Game: Poker is typically played with 2-10 players using a 52-card deck, with chips representing player bets.

Additional Features:

  1. Live Chat: Enables players to engage in live chat with other players during games.
  2. Tip Dealer: Allows users to give tips to the dealer during game sessions.

:, our Poker Game Mobile App with Android Studio is a comprehensive solution designed to provide an immersive gaming experience for users. With its robust features, customization options, and user-friendly interface, this app is sure to delight gamers of all levels.

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