Configuring Markdown and Mirai Console: A Step-by-Step Guide

Configuring Markdown and Mirai Console: A Step-by-Step Guide

Markdown is a powerful tool for creating formatted text. In this article, we will explore how to configure Markdown with Mirai Console, a popular messaging platform.

Configuring Random Operations

Random operations are an essential part of any messaging platform. In Mirai Console, you can configure the number of random operations that occur in each verification code. You can also set limits on the number of queries and tags used in each operation.

Here's how to configure random operations:

 number: 10 # The number of random operations per verification code
 query_limit: 10 # The limit on the number of queries per operation
 tag_limit: 20 # The limit on the length of tags used in each operation

Configuring Cooldown Times

Cooldown times are essential for preventing abuse and spamming. In Mirai Console, you can configure cooldown times for specific commands.

Here's how to configure cooldown times:

 time: 30 # The cooldown time for each command
 command_with_cd: # Commands that require a cooldown period
 - 查看管理员
 - 随机操作
 - 查询记录
 - 查询全部记录

Configuring Cooldown Messages

When a user tries to use a command too quickly, they will receive a message informing them of the cooldown time. You can customize this message using the following template:

cooldown_msg: '$quote $cmd 太快了,请 $cd 秒后再试'

This message includes placeholders for the quote ($quote), command name ($cmd), and cooldown time ($cd).

Modifying Configuration Files

Once you've configured your Markdown settings, you can modify the configuration files to suit your needs. Simply open the config.yml file in a text editor and make the necessary changes.

Debugging with Mirai Console

If you want to debug your Markdown settings locally, you can use the following command:

npm run debug

This command will automatically download the Mirai Console and run it locally. You can then use the console to test your Markdown settings.

Using Temporary Phone Numbers for QQ Verification

Temporary phone numbers are a great way to verify your QQ account without revealing your real phone number. Here are some temporary phone numbers you can use:

  • Hong Kong: +852650177089
  • Brazil: +5581993310136
  • China: +8618244386716
  • Argentina: +541158171146
  • United States: +129330173081
  • Russia: +79828966527

Remember to always keep your real phone number private and only use these temporary numbers for verification purposes.

Tips for Using QQ for 40404 Text Messaging

When using QQ for 40404 text messaging, make sure to set up your account properly to protect your privacy. Here are some tips:

  • Create a QQ account with a username that doesn't include your real name or personal information.
  • Link your QQ account to a temporary phone number instead of your real phone number.
  • Use the correct verification code to activate text messaging.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the convenience of text messaging without compromising your personal information.

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