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Seri metaverse-related trademarks yang dikakukan oleh Tencent, salah satunya adalah "QQ metaverse", dapat ditelusuri kembali hingga Oktober lalu. Pada earnings call dengan analis terhadap tahun ini, para eksekutif Tencent mengatakan bahwa perusahaan memiliki teknologi yang sangat luas untuk mengembangkan metaverse.
Tencent's President Martin Lau mengatakan bahwa perusahaan itu dapat berpotensi memahami metaverse melalui berbagai bisnis, termasuk pengembangan game video dan networking sosial sebagai kekuatan utama. Namun, eksekutif 48 tahun ini juga mengatakan bahwa Beijing akan sangat mungkin mengatur metaverse dengan cara yang berbeda dari sisanya.
Pada Oktober lalu, South China Morning Post melaporkan bahwa studio gaming Tencent, TiMi Studios, juga akan meluncurkan sebuah studio baru, F1, untuk mengembangkan proyek-proyek seperti metaverse.
QQ Registration
QQ recently launched a series of virtual numbers called "靓号" (qīng hào), which can be activated through the mobile version of the app. The activation process involves verifying one's phone number and binding it to the virtual number. If the user does not complete the activation within seven days, the system will automatically reclaim the virtual number.
The registration process also includes a daily limit of 1,000,000 participants, and each user can only register one virtual number.
QQ Censored by CCP
Hong's Virtual Space
My emails with slightly politically sensitive materials to QQ addresses have failed to reach their destinations many times. I am reasonably sure that QQ censors its member’s communications.
It is not surprising at all for Chinese online service providers to voluntarily or involuntarily censor their members’ online communications to please the regime.
QQ Music Tests Virtual Community "Music Zone"
Tech Planet reported on July 4 that QQ Music, a subsidiary of Tencent Music, recently added the “Music Zone” to its alpha test version. The virtual community provides users with a space where they can participate in various social experiences.
In “Music Zone”, users can enjoy an independent home where they can dress up their home through the decoration function. They can also update their image and choose from NFT images provided by the platform or those provided by the system.
The most important feature is that "Music Zone" provides social functions, such as following any house on the community map and reviewing the home of the person they are visiting, as well as following and adding friends to the person.
Overall, this virtual community based on music with many elements of the metaverse, such as NFTs and virtual houses. These features allow QQ Music users to enjoy a virtual social experience, while further enhancing the social relationship chain within QQ Music and creating a community of interest.
Tencent Music Group has effectively promoted businesses and functions that combine the concept of the metaverse, such as the recently launched "AKINI ZONE" series of digital collections that combine digital albums with virtual images. Recently, its rival NetEase Cloud Music also launched a social product for music called “MUS”. Although the positioning of MUS and "Music Zone" are different, they both focus on the social relationship chain based on music.
SEE ALSO: NetEase Cloud Music Conducts Alpha Tests for Social App
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