Bagaimana Cara Submit Claims ke Medicare

Bagaimana Cara Submit Claims ke Medicare

Mengajukan klaim kepada Medicare dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, yaitu melalui submit elektronik (EDI), mengirimkan klaim via kertas, atau menggunakan eServices untuk submit eClaims.

Submit Elektronik (EDI)

Sebagian besar penyedia layanan kesehatan submit claims secara elektronik melalui ANSI 837P. Sebelum submit claims elektronik ke Medicare, Anda harus memiliki paket enrollment EDI yang tersimpan di Palmetto GBA. Lihat sumber daya EDI kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang enrolling untuk submit claims elektronik.

Submit via Kertas

Anda juga dapat mengirimkan klaim melalui kertas dengan mengisi formulir klaim dan mengirimkannya ke alamat yang tertera pada formulir. Pastikan Anda untuk membaca dan memahami instruksi yang tertera pada formulir sebelum submit claims.

EServices untuk Submit eClaims

Jika Anda memiliki akun eServices, Anda dapat menggunakan fitur "Submit Claim" untuk mengirimkan klaim elektronik ke Medicare. Caranya adalah dengan login ke akun eServices Anda, memilih jenis klaim yang akan di-submit, dan mengisi formulir klaim online.


Sebelum submit claims, pastikan Anda telah membaca dan memahami instruksi yang tertera pada formulir sebelum submit claims. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah dengan proses submit claims, silakan hubungi Palmetto GBA atau kantor Medicare terdekat.

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) towards COVID-19 among Chinese Residents

Unprecedented measures have been adopted to control the rapid spread of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in China. People's adherence to control measures is affected by their knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) towards COVID-19. In this study, we investigated Chinese residents' KAP towards COVID-19 during the rapid rise period of the outbreak.

Hasil Penelitian

Among the survey completers (n=6910), 65.7% were women, 63.5% held a bachelor degree or above, and 56.2% engaged in mental labor. The overall correct rate of the knowledge questionnaire was 90%. The majority of the respondents (97.1%) had confidence that China can win the battle against COVID-19. Nearly all of the participants (98.0%) wore masks when going out in recent days.


The findings suggest that most Chinese residents, particularly women, are knowledgeable about COVID-19, hold optimistic attitudes, and have appropriate practices towards COVID-19. Health education programs aimed at improving COVID-19 knowledge are helpful for Chinese residents to hold optimistic attitudes and maintain appropriate practices.

Citation: Zhong, B.L., Luo, W., Li, H.M., Zhang, Q.Q., Liu, X.G., Li, W.T., & Li, Y. (2020). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19 among Chinese residents during the rapid rise period of the COVID-19 outbreak: a quick online cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 16(10), 1745-1752.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, COVID-19, China

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