Discussion: Thunder QQ Super Manual

Discussion: Thunder QQ Super Manual

The Thunder QQ Super is a popular multi-rotor flight control system among drone enthusiasts. In this article, we will discuss the manual and features of this controller.


According to several sources, including eBay vendors and users who have purchased the controller, the manual that comes with the QQ Super is suitable for both the KK Pro and the QQ Super. The manual provides detailed instructions on how to set up and use the controller.

Cable Included

One of the benefits of purchasing the QQ Super is that it includes cables to connect the receiver (RX) and the QQ Super. This means that you won't need to purchase additional cables, making the setup process easier and more convenient.

Flight Modes

However, some users have reported that there is only one flight mode available on this controller, which is auto-level mode. This may be a limitation for those who want to use acro (acro) or rate modes.

Setting Up with Satellite RX

Some users have shared their experiences setting up the QQ Super with a satellite receiver (RX). For example, 3rdeyepro mentioned that he used a Spektrum satellite and found the setup process to be fairly easy. He also noted that he had to adjust his gain settings to minimize the controller's sensitivity.

Overall, the Thunder QQ Super appears to be a good controller for beginners or those who only want auto-level mode. While it may have some limitations in terms of flight modes, its ease of setup and stability make it a popular choice among drone enthusiasts.

Additional Tips and Questions

  • How did you bind to the sat?
  • Answer: It comes with a cable to use with a normal RX, and there is a connector to use with the Sat. I hope to test it this weekend.
  • Did you end up getting that cable?
  • Answer: Yes, it comes with a cable to use with a normal RX, and there is a connector to use with the sat.
  • Can you put a link up to Thunder's site?
  • Answer: Not provided.

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