The Song of the Bourgeons

The Song of the Bourgeons


December 19, 2023

What's good about being a politician? It requires the ability to lie and turn around. Who still doesn't know that in this world where promises are broken, only those who believe them are responsible?

We're tired of this world of predators, egoism, indifference, and hypocrisy. We're tired of the "idéologiquement sales" images. We're tired of being part of a docile normality, repulsed by fear, and joining these rebellious assemblies where we can say what we want. We're tired of defending our right to live without…

So, does it float?

December 2, 2023

According to the State services, 18.4 million French people (over a quarter of the population) live in areas exposed to exceptional flooding. Ouest-France, November 24, 2023.

Remember when our "first team" players loudly shouted: Climate change? A big lie! Scientists warning us? Charlatans! We'll have a COP or 28 meetings just to calm your concerns…

Israel-Palestine: The Ignoble Gear

October 25, 2023

What's the point of defending any cause if it's tarnished by the blind massacre of innocent people? Albert Camus.

Regardless of what we've suffered, nothing justifies our behavior as a bunch of thugs. Though born from the accumulated pain and suffering of victims under long persecution, cruelty remains cruel and deserves no pity. The retaliatory offensive of Hamas against Israel may be justified in their eyes, but it's still an abomination…

The Position of the Lying Down Shooter

September 10, 2023

Christophe Bourseiller, a journalist presenting himself as a "specialist in minor currents" and having written several books on "extremes," dedicates his new book to Alexander Trocchi, a member of the Situationist International. Why not? This biography is not out of place.

We discover the turbulent, cacophonous life of this person, known for their chaotic existence…

Victimhood Foul Play!

July 30, 2023

"There's one word that keeps popping up: victim. I'm a victim, so I'm not responsible."1 "This culture of excuse is unbearable."2 "The excusers, daily spitting at the countless poor and immigrant families where the law is respected."3

It's the anthem of the summer belted out by the chorus of guardians of what they call "La République": We're sick of these rioters who justify their carnage with…

(Please note that this translation is a summary, and some details may have been omitted or condensed.)

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